Дункан пишет:
В миллионный раз повторяю,вам что это уже были не американские компании,т.к. они выполняли госзаказы гитлеровских министров.
Да в миллионный раз убеждаюсь с кем приходится общатся........
По вашей логике выполнение госзаказа другого государства автоматом делает компанию пленной???????
Т.е. по вашему французкая судостроительная компания делающая по заказу РФ Мистрали захватила в плен французов??????
Дункан пишет:
Вы не понимаете русский язык.? В миллионный раз прошу дать цифру : КАКОЙ ПРОЦЕНТ ИЗ ЭТОЙ ПРИБЫЛИ ОКАЗАЛСЯ В СОЕДИНЕННЫХ ШТАТАХ АМЕРИКИ,а не остался в Германии.
В миллионный раз для малообразованных приходится объяснять, что по законам большинства государств мира, существует:
1- порядок хранения банковских платежек и доступ к ним сторонних лиц
2- понятие налоговая и банковская тайна.....
если вас интересует до цента полученная прибыль - сделайте запрос в налоговую службу США, мне любопытно будет что ОНИ вам ответят.......
Дункан пишет:
А если не вероятно,а каким образом конкретно? Отвечать за базары американского бульварного журналиста,вы будете или Папа римский?
Для ****** второй раз привожу перечень источников ( запдных, т.е. американских и европейских) на которые ссылается автор статьи:
А вот ссылки на источнике по статье Profits über Alles! American Corporations and Hitler Review Article
Важные ссылки:
Edwin Black, IBM and the Holocaust: The Strategic Alliance between Nazi Germany and America's Most Powerful Corporation (London: Crown Publishers, 2001)
Walter Hofer and Herbert R. Reginbogin, Hitler, der Westen und die Schweiz 1936–1945 (Z?rich: NZZ Publishing House, 2002)
Reinhold Billstein, Karola Fings, Anita Kugler, and Nicholas Levis, Working for the Enemy: Ford, General Motors, and Forced Labor during the Second World War ( New York: Berghahn, 2000) Research Findings About Ford-Werke Under the Nazi Regime (Dearborn, MI: Ford Motor Company, 2001)
1 Michael Dobbs, "US Automakers Fight Claims of Aiding Nazis," The International Herald Tribune, 3 December 1998.
2 David F. Schmitz, "'A Fine Young Revolution': The United States and the Fascist Revolution in Italy, 1919–1925," Radical History Review, 33 (September 1985), 117–38; and John P. Diggins, Mussolini and Fascism: The View from America (Princeton 1972).
3 Gabriel Kolko, "American Business and Germany, 1930–1941," The Western Political Quarterly, 25 (December 1962), 714, refers to the "'skepticism' displayed by the American business press with respect to Hitler because he was 'a political and economic nonconformist.'"
4 Neil Baldwin, Henry Ford and the Jews: The Mass Production of Hate (New York 2001), especially 172–91.
5 Charles Higham, Trading with the Enemy: An Expos? of The Nazi-American Money Plot 1933–1949 (New York 1983), 162.
6 Webster G. Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin, "The Hitler Project," chapter 2 in George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography (Washington 1991).
http://www.tarpley.net/bush2.htm >.
7 Mark Pendergrast, For God, Country, and Coca-Cola: The Unauthorized History of the Great American Soft Drink and the Company that Makes It (New York 1993), 221.
8 Cited in Manfred Overesch, Machtergreifung von links: Th?ringen 1945/46 (Hildesheim Germany 1993), 64.
9 Knudsen described Nazi Germany after a visit there in 1933 as "the miracle of the twentieth century." Higham, Trading With the Enemy, 163.
10 Stephan H. Lindner, Das Reichskommissariat f?r die Behandlung feindliches Verm?gens im Zweiten Weltkrieg: Eine Studie zur Verwaltungs-, Rechts- and Wirtschaftsgeschichte des nationalsozialistischen Deutschlands (Stuttgart 1991), 121; Simon Reich, The Fruits of Fascism: Postwar Prosperity in Historical Perspective (Ithaca, NY and London 1990), 109, 117, 247; and Ken Silverstein, "Ford and the F?hrer," The Nation, 24 January 2000, 11–6.
11 Cited in Michael Dobbs, "Ford and GM Scrutinized for Alleged Nazi Collaboration," The Washington Post, 12 December 1998.
12 Tobias Jersak, "?l f?r den F?hrer," Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 11 February 1999.
13 Higham, Trading With the Enemy, xvi.
14 The authors of a recent book on the Holocaust even emphasize that "in 1930 anti-Semitism was much more visible and blatant in the United States than in Germany." See Suzy Hansen's interview with Deborah Dwork and Robert Jan Van Pelt, authors of Holocaust: a History,< http:/salon.com/books/int/2002/10/02/dwork/index.html. >
15 Henry Ford, The International Jew: The World's Foremost Problem (Dearborn, MI n.d.); and Higham, Trading With the Enemy, 162.
16 Aino J. Mayer, Why Did the Heavens not Darken? The Final Solution in History (New York 1988).
17 Neil Baldwin, Henry Ford and the Jews: The Mass Production of Hate, 279; and Higham, Trading With the Enemy, 161.
18 Upton Sinclair, The Flivver King: A Story of Ford-America (Pasadena, CA 1937), 236.
19 Higham, Trading With the Enemy, 162–4.
20 See Bernd Martin, Friedensinitiativen und Machtpolitik im Zweiten Weltkrieg 1939–1942 (D?sseldorf 1974); and Richard Overy, Russia's War (London 1998), 34–5.
21 See Clement Leibovitz and Alvin Finkel, In Our Time: The Chamberlain-Hitler Collusion (New York 1998).
22 John H. Backer, "From Morgenthau Plan to Marshall Plan," in Robert Wolfe, ed., Americans as Proconsuls: United States Military Governments in Germany and Japan, 1944–1952 (Carbondale and Edwardsville, IL 1984), 162.
23 Mooney is cited in Andreas Hillgruber, ed., Staatsm?nner und Diplomaten bei Hitler. Vertrauliche Aufzeichnungen ?ber Unterredungen mit Vertretern des Auslandes 1939–1941 (Frankfurt am Main 1967), 85.
24 Anita Kugler, "Das Opel-Management w?hrend des Zweiten Weltkrieges. Die Behandlung 'feindlichen Verm?gens' und die 'Selbstverantwortung' der R?stungsindustrie," in Bernd Heyl and Andrea Neugebauer, ed., "... ohne R?cksicht auf die Verh?ltnisse": Opel zwischen Weltwirtschaftskrise and Wiederaufbau, (Frankfurt am Main 1997), 35–68, and 40–1; "Flugzeuge f?r den F?hrer. Deutsche 'Gefolgschaftsmitglieder' und ausl?ndische Zwangsarbeiter im Opel-Werk in R?sselsheim 1940 bis 1945," in Heyl and Neugebauer, "... ohne R?cksicht auf die Verh?ltnisse," 69–92; and Hans G. Helms, "Ford und die Nazis," in Komila Felinska, ed., Zwangsarbeit bei Ford (Cologne 1996), 113.
25 Higham, Trading With the Enemy, 93, and 95.
26 Jersak, "?l f?r den F?hier"; Bernd Martin, "Friedens-Planungen der multinationalen Grossindustrie (1932–1940) als politische Krisenstrategie," Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2 (1976), 82.
27 Cited in Dobbs, "U.S. Automakers."
28 Jamie Lincoln Kitman, "The Secret History of Lead," The Nation, 20 March 2002.
29 Higham, Trading With the Enemy, 97; Ed Cray, Chrome Colossus: General Motors and its Times (New York 1980), 315; and Anthony Sampson, The Seven Sisters: The Great Oil Companies and the World They Made (New York 1975), 82.
30 David Lanier Lewis, The Public Image of Henry Ford: an American Folk Hero and His Company (Detroit 1976), 222, and 270.
31 Ralph B. Levering, American Opinion and the Russian Alliance, 1939–1945 (Chapel Hill, NC 1976), 46; and Wayne S. Cole, Roosevelt and the Isolationists, 1932–45 (Lincoln, NE 1983), 433–34.
32 The hope for a long, drawn-out conflict between Berlin and Moscow was reflected in many newspaper articles and in the much-publicized remark uttered by Senator Harry S. Truman on 24 June 1941, only two days after the start of Operation Barbarossa, the Nazi attack on the Soviet Union: "If we see that Germany is winning, we should help Russia, and if Russia is winning, we should help Germany, so that as many as possible perish on both sides ...." Levering, American Opinion, 46–7.
33 Even as late as 5 December 1941, just two days before the Japanese strike against Pearl Harbor, a caricature in Hearst's Chicago Tribune suggested that it would be ideal for "civilization" if these "dangerous beasts," the Nazis and the Soviets, "destroyed each other." The Chicago Tribune caricature is reproduced in Roy Douglas, The World War 1939–1943: The Cartoonists' Vision (London and New York 1990), 86.
34 Clive Ponting, Armageddon: The Second World War (London 1995), 106; and Stephen E. Ambrose, Americans at War (New York 1998), 76–77.
35 Jersak, "?l f?rden F?hrer." Jersak used a "top secret" document produced by the Wehrmacht Reichsstelle f?r Mineral?l, now in the military section of the Bundesarchiv (Federal Archives), File RW 19/2694. See also Higham, Trading With the Enemy, 59–61.
36 James V. Compton, "The Swastika and the Eagle," in Arnold A. Offner, ed., America and the Origins of World War II, 1933–1941 (New York 1971), 179–83; Melvin Small, "The 'Lessons' of the Past: Second Thoughts about World War II," in Norman K. Risjord , ed., Insights on American History. Volume II (San Diego 1988), 20; and Andreas Hillgruber, ed., Der Zweite Weltkrieg 1939–1945: Kriegsziele und Strategie der Grossen M?chte, 5th ed., (Stuttgart 1989), 83–4.
37 Helms, "Ford und die Nazis," 114.
38 Helms, "Ford und die Nazis," 14–5; and Higham, Trading With the Enemy, 104–5.
39 Silverstein, "Ford and the F?hrer," 15–6; and Lindner, Das Reichskomm?sariet, 121.
40 Kugler, "Das Opel-Management," 52, 61 ff., and 67; and Kugler, "Flugzeuge," 85.
41 Snell, "GM and the Nazis," Ramparts, 12 (June 1974), 14–15; Kugler, "Das Opel-Management," 53, and 67; and Kugler, "Flugzeuge," 89.
42 Higham, Trading With the Enemy, 112.
43 Higham, Trading With the Enemy, 99.
44 Lindner, Das Reichskommissariet, 104.
45 Silverstein, "Ford and the F?hrer," 12, and 14; Helms, "Ford und die Nazis," 115; and Reich, The Fruits of Fascism, 121, and 123.
46 Silverstein, "Ford and the F?hrer," 15–16.
47 Kugler, "Das Opel-Management," 55, and 67; and Kugler, "Flugzeuge," 85.
48 Communication of A. Neugebauer of the city archives in R?sselsheim to the author, 4 February 2000; and Lindner, Das Reichskommissariat, 126–27.
49 Helms, "Ford und die Nazis," 115.
50 Gian Trepp, "Kapital ?ber alles: Zentralbankenkooperation bei der Bank f?r Internationalen Zahlungsausgleich im Zweiten Weltkrieg," in Philipp Sarasin und Regina Wecker, eds., Raubgold, Reduit, Fl?chtlinge: Zur Geschichte der Schweiz im Zweiten Weltkrieg (Z?rich 1998), 71–80; Higham, Trading With the Enemy, 1–19 and 175; Anthony Sampson, The Sovereign State of ITT (New York 1973), 47; "VS-Banken collaboreerden met nazi's," Het Nieuwsblad, Brussels, 26 December 1998; and William Clarke, "Nazi Gold: The Role of the Central Banks — Where Does the Blame Lie?," Central Banking, 8, (Summer 1997),< http://www.centralbanking.co.uk/cbv8n11.html. >
51 Bernt Engelmann, Einig and gegen Recht und Freiheit: Ein deutsches Anti-Geschichtsbuch (M?nchen 1975), 263–4; Marie-Luise Recker, "Zwischen sozialer Befriedung und materieller Ausbeutung: Lohn- und Arbeitsbedingungen im Zweiten Weltkrieg," in Wolfgang Michalka, ed., Der Zweite Weltkrieg. Analysen, Grundz?ge, Forschungsbilanz (Munich and Z?rich 1989), 430–44, especially 436.
52 Lindner, Das Reichkommissariat, 118.
53 Pendergrast, For God, Country, and Coca-Cola, 228.
54 "Ford-Konzern wegen Zwangsarbeit verklagt," K?lner Stadt-Anzeiger, 6 March 1998 ascited in Antifaschistisck Nochrichten, 6 (1998),< http://www.antifaschistischenachricten.de/1998/06/010.htm. >
55 Karola Fings, "Zwangsarbeit bei den K?lner Ford-Werken," in Felinska, Zwangsarbeit bei Ford, (Cologne 1996), 108. See also Silverstein, "Ford and the F?hrer," 14; and Billstein et al., 53–5, 135–56.
56 Kugler, "Das Opel-Management," 57; Kugler, "Flugzeuge," 72–6, quotation from 76; and Billstein et al., 53–5.
57 GM-financed patriotic posters may be found in the Still Pictures Branch of the National Archives in Washington, DC.
58 Michael S. Sherry, In the Shadow of War:The United States Since the 1930s (New Haven and London 1995), 172.
59 Higham, Trading With the Enemy, xv, and xxi.
60 Higham, Trading With the Enemy, 44–6.
61 Helms, "Ford und die Nazis," 115–6; Reich, The Fruits of Fascism, 124–5; and Mira Wilkins and Frank Ernest Hill, American Business Abroad: Ford on Six Continents (Detroit 1964), 344–6.
62 Higham, Trading With the Enemy, 212–23; Carolyn Woods Eisenberg, "U.S. Policy in Post-war Germany: The Conservative Restoration," Science and Society, 46 (Spring 1982), 29; Carolyn Woods Eisenberg, "The Limits of Democracy: US Policy and the Rights of German Labor, 1945–1949," in Michael Ermarth, ed., America and the Shaping of German Society, 1945–1955 (Providence, RI and Oxford 1993), 63–4; Billstein et al., 96–97; and Werner Link, Deutsche und amerikanische Gewerkschaften und Gesch?ftsleute 1945–1975: Eine Studie ?ber transnationale Beziehungen (D?sseldorf 1978), 100–06, and 88.
63 Gabriel Kolko, The Politics of War: The World and United States Foreign Policy, 1943–1945 (New York 1968), 331, and 348–9; Wilfried Loth, Stalins ungeliebtes Kind: Warum Moskau die DDR nicht wollte (Berlin 1994), 18; Wolfgang Krieger, "Die American Deutschlandplanung, Hypotheken und Chancen f?r einen Neuanfang," in Hans-Erich Volkmann, ed., Ende des Dritten Reiches — Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs: Eine perspektivische R?ckschau (Munich and Z?rich 1995), 36, and 40–1; and Lloyd C. Gardner, Architects of Illusion: Men and Ideas in American Foreign Policy 1941–1949 (Chicago 1970), 250–1.
64 Kolko, The Politics of War, 507–11; Rolf Steininger, Deutsche Geschichte 1945–1961: Darstellung und Dokumente in zwei B?nden. Band 1 (Frankfurt am Main 1983), 117–8; Joyce and Gabriel Kolko, The Limits of Power: The World and United States Foreign Policy, 1945–1954 (New York 1972), 125–6; Reinhard K?hnl, Formen b?rgerlicher Herrschaft: Liberalismus — Faschismus (Reinbek bei Hamburg 1971), 71; Reinhard K?hnl, ed., Geschichte und Ideologie: Kritische Analyse bundesdeutscher Geschichtsb?cher, second edition (Reinbek bei Hamburg 1973), 138–9; Peter Altmann, ed., Hauptsache Frieden. Kriegsende-Befreiung-Neubeginn 1945–1949: Vom antifaschistischen Konsens zum Grundgesetz (Frankfurt-am-Main, 1985), 58 ff.; and Gerhard Stuby, "Die Verhinderung der antifascistisch-demokratischen Umw?lzung und die Restauration in der BRD von 1945–1961," in Reinhard K?hnl, ed., Der b?rgerliche Staat der Gegenwart: Formen b?rgerlicher Herrschaft II (Reinbek bei Hamburg 1972), 91–101.
65 Silverstein, "Ford and the F?hrer," 15–6; and Lindner, Das Reichskommissariat, 121.
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